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Needles for Singer Sewing Machines - Models 115-W through 147-SV 227

Needles for Singer Sewing Machines - Models 115-W through 147-SV 227

Please Note

  • Older machines sometimes get retrofitted with needle bars that handle use different needle systems from the original design.
  • There are occasionally instances where the needle point, needle size, or both affect the needle system designation. The most common exceptions occur with DBx1, 134, 1738A, 135x16. and 135x17. Details

Select Model Range

Models 115-W to 132-W 100

Models 133-K to 137-W 1

Models 138-B to 139-W

Models 140-G to 146

Models 147 to 147-SV 227


Models 115-W to 132-W 100

Singer Model# 115-W All Classes with exceptions use needle system 68X5 Equivalent to 3201, LQX5, CANU 09:20

Singer Model# 115-W uses needle system 16X99, CANU 28:35 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 118 All Classes use needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05

Singer Model# 119 All Classes with exceptions use needle system 16X99, CANU 28:35 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 119-K 2 uses needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05

Singer Model# 119-W All Classes use needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05

Singer Model# 119-WSV All Classes use needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05

Singer Model# 120-U All Classes with exceptions use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 120-U 3 uses needle system 1128 Equivalent to 44x3, 88X1, 88X9, DAX1, CANU 04:45

Singer Model# 120-U 13 uses needle system 1738A Equivalent to 16x95, 16X231, 71x1, 287 WH, CANU 14:25

Singer Model# 121-C All Classes use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 121-D All Classes use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 121-W All Classes use needle system 134X1, YSX1, CANU 30:50 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 122-W 1 to W 3 uses needle system 134X1, YSX1, CANU 30:50 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 127-W All Classes use needle system 134X1, YSX1, CANU 30:50 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 131-K All Classes use needle system UY 143 GS Equivalent to 92x1, DNX1, MY 1013, UOX143 G, CANU 45:30

Singer Model# 131-W All Classes use needle system 141X1, AVX1, CANU 30:70 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 131-WSV All Classes use needle system 141X1, AVX1, CANU 30:70 - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 132-B All Classes use needle system 328 Equivalent to 214X1, 428, DD-H14, DDX1, CANU 50:10

Singer Model# 132-K All Classes with exceptions use needle system 216X1, CYX1, CANU 50:05XA - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 132-KSV All Classes with exceptions use needle system 216X1, CYX1, CANU 50:05XA - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 132-KSV 11 uses needle system 328 Equivalent to 214X1, 428, DD-H14, DDX1, CANU 50:10

Singer Model# 132-W 100 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05


Models 133-K to 137-W 1

Singer Model# 133-K All Classes with exceptions use needle system 216X1, CYX1, CANU 50:05XA - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 133-K B18 uses needle system 216X7 Equivalent to CYX7, SY 5021, CANU 50:44MA

Singer Model# 133-K 13 uses needle system 216X7 Equivalent to CYX7, SY 5021, CANU 50:44MA

Singer Model# 133-K 14 uses needle system 216X7 Equivalent to CYX7, SY 5021, CANU 50:44MA

Singer Model# 133-K 18 uses needle system 216X7 Equivalent to CYX7, SY 5021, CANU 50:44MA

Singer Model# 133-KX All Classes use needle system 216X1, CYX1, CANU 50:05XA - Reference Only - Not Carried

Singer Model# 133-W All Classes with exceptions use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 133-W 100 to W 101 uses needle system 134 K Equivalent to 556 KH, 797 KH, PFX134 K, CANU 19:25

Singer Model# 134-W All Classes with exceptions use needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05

Singer Model# 134-W 1 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 134-W 3 to W 4 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 134-W 5 to W 6 uses needle system 126X3 Equivalent to 126x1,126X9, FOX9, CANU 34:35

Singer Model# 134-WSV 3 uses needle system 126X3 Equivalent to 126x1,126X9, FOX9, CANU 34:35

Singer Model# 135-W 1 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 136-W All Classes use needle system 34 Equivalent to 287, 16X1, 16x73, 690, TFX1, CANU 12:05

Singer Model# 136-WKSV 1 uses needle system 34 Equivalent to 287, 16X1, 16x73, 690, TFX1, CANU 12:05

Singer Model# 136-WSV 2 uses needle system 34 Equivalent to 287, 16X1, 16x73, 690, TFX1, CANU 12:05

Singer Model# 136-WSV 4

  • Cloth: uses needle system 135X17 Equivalent to SY 3355, DPX17, CANU 37:20

  • Leather: uses needle system 135X16 Equivalent to DPX16

Singer Model# 137-W 1 uses needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05


Models 138-B to 139-W

Singer Model# 138-B All Classes with exceptions use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 138-B 7 All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 135X17 Equivalent to SY 3355, DPX17, CANU 37:20

  • Leather: uses needle system 135X16 Equivalent to DPX16

Singer Model# 138-B 7 MG uses needle system 34 Equivalent to 287, 16X1, 16x73, 690, TFX1, CANU 12:05

Singer Model# 138-B 8 All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 135X17 Equivalent to SY 3355, DPX17, CANU 37:20

  • Leather: uses needle system 135X16 Equivalent to DPX16

Singer Model# 138-B 27 All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 135X17 Equivalent to SY 3355, DPX17, CANU 37:20

  • Leather: uses needle system 135X16 Equivalent to DPX16

Singer Model# 138-B 28 All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 135X17 Equivalent to SY 3355, DPX17, CANU 37:20

  • Leather: uses needle system 135X16 Equivalent to DPX16

Singer Model# 138-G All Classes with exceptions use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 138-G 102 uses needle system 126X3 Equivalent to 126x1,126X9, FOX9, CANU 34:35

Singer Model# 138-GX All Classes use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 138-W 101 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 138-W 102 to 103 uses needle system 128X21 Equivalent to 128X1, 128X3, TIX21, CANU 16:05

Singer Model# 138-WSV All Classes with exceptions

  • Cloth: uses needle system 135X17 Equivalent to SY 3355, DPX17, CANU 37:20

  • Leather: uses needle system 135X16 Equivalent to DPX16

Singer Model# 138-WSV 4 to 5 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 138-WSV 9 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 138-WSV 10 to 11 uses needle system 126X3 Equivalent to 126x1,126X9, FOX9, CANU 34:35

Singer Model# 139-W All Classes use needle system 126X11, CANU 47:45XA - Reference Only - Not Carried


Models 140-G to 146

Singer Model# 140-G uses needle system 134 K Equivalent to 556 KH, 797 KH, PFX134 K, CANU 19:25

Singer Model# 140-W All Classes use needle system 134 K Equivalent to 556 KH, 797 KH, PFX134 K, CANU 19:25

Singer Model# 140-WSV 1 uses needle system 134 K Equivalent to 556 KH, 797 KH, PFX134 K, CANU 19:25

Singer Model# 140-WSV 4 uses needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 141-D All Classes use needle system UY 128 GAS Equivalent to 149X3, 1280, TVX3, CANU 38:00

Singer Model# 141-W All Classes with exceptions use needle system 1128 Equivalent to 44x3, 88X1, 88X9, DAX1, CANU 04:45

Singer Model# 141-W 3 uses needle system 1738A Equivalent to 16x95, 16X231, 71x1, 287 WH, CANU 14:25

Singer Model# 141-W 5 uses needle system 34 Equivalent to 287, 16X1, 16x73, 690, TFX1, CANU 12:05

Singer Model# 142-D All Classes use needle system UY 128 GAS Equivalent to 149X3, 1280, TVX3, CANU 38:00

Singer Model# 142-W All Classes use needle system 135X1 Equivalent to 354, 1673, DPX1, CANU 06:50

Singer Model# 142-WSV 1 uses needle system 135X1 Equivalent to 354, 1673, DPX1, CANU 06:50

Singer Model# 143-B All Classes use needle system 328 Equivalent to 214X1, 428, DD-H14, DDX1, CANU 50:10

Singer Model# 143-G All Classes use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 143-W All Classes with exceptions use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 143-W 5 uses needle system 1738A Equivalent to 16x95, 16X231, 71x1, 287 WH, CANU 14:25

Singer Model# 143-WSV All Classes with exceptions use needle system 134 Equivalent to 135X5, DPX5, SY 1955, CANU 20:05

Singer Model# 143-WSV 11 uses needle system 134 K Equivalent to 556 KH, 797 KH, PFX134 K, CANU 19:25

Singer Model# 143-WSV 13 uses needle system 134 K Equivalent to 556 KH, 797 KH, PFX134 K, CANU 19:25

Singer Model# 144-A All Classes use needle system 7X23 Equivalent to DYX23, CANU 51:35

Singer Model# 144-B All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 794 H Equivalent to 793, 7X1, DYX1, DYx3, CANU 53:10

  • Leather: uses needle system 794 Equivalent to 7X3, DYX3, CANU 53:20

Singer Model# 144-W All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 794 H Equivalent to 793, 7X1, DYX1, DYx3, CANU 53:10

  • Leather: uses needle system 794 Equivalent to 7X3, DYX3, CANU 53:20

Singer Model# 144-WSV All Classes

  • Cloth: uses needle system 794 H Equivalent to 793, 7X1, DYX1, DYx3, CANU 53:10

  • Leather: uses needle system 794 Equivalent to 7X3, DYX3, CANU 53:20

Singer Model# 145-A All Classes use needle system 7X23 Equivalent to DYX23, CANU 51:35

Singer Model# 145-B

  • Cloth: uses needle system 794 H Equivalent to 793, 7X1, DYX1, DYx3, CANU 53:10

  • Leather: uses needle system 794 Equivalent to 7X3, DYX3, CANU 53:20

Singer Model# 145-K 1 uses needle system 328 Equivalent to 214X1, 428, DD-H14, DDX1, CANU 50:10

Singer Model# 145-W All Classes use needle system 7X23 Equivalent to DYX23, CANU 51:35

Singer Model# 145-WSV All Classes use needle system 7X23 Equivalent to DYX23, CANU 51:35

Singer Model# 146 All Classes use needle system UY 143 GS Equivalent to 92x1, DNX1, MY 1013, UOX143 G, CANU 45:30


Models 147 to 147-SV 227

Singer Model# 147 All Classes with exceptions use needle system 62X43 Equivalent to DVX43, CANU 38:10

Singer Model# 147-2 uses needle system UY 121 GS Equivalent to 62x21, DVX1, MY 1001, CANU 36:05

Singer Model# 147-5 to 7 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-23 uses needle system UY 121 GS Equivalent to 62x21, DVX1, MY 1001, CANU 36:05

Singer Model# 147-27 uses needle system UY 121 GS Equivalent to 62x21, DVX1, MY 1001, CANU 36:05

Singer Model# 147-30 to 32 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-37 to 38 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-45 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-50 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-60 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-70 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-80 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-82 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-84 to 86 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-87 uses needle system UY 121 GS Equivalent to 62x21, DVX1, MY 1001, CANU 36:05

Singer Model# 147-91 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-93 to 94 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-100 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-102 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-105 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-107 to 108 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-113 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-119 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-121 to 122 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-131 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV All Classes with exceptions use needle system 62X43 Equivalent to DVX43, CANU 38:10

Singer Model# 147-SV 36 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 40 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 50 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 63 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 77 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 80 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 89 to 90 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 101 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 114 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 121 to 122 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 127 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 135 to 136 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 138 to 141 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 142 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-SV 144 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 151 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-SV 164 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-SV 173 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 176 to 177 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 178 uses needle system UY 128 GAS Equivalent to 149X3, 1280, TVX3, CANU 38:00

Singer Model# 147-SV 185 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 191 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-SV 193 to 195 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 203 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 207 uses needle system UY 128 GHS Equivalent to UY 128 GLS, UYX128 GLS, CANU 39:55FB

Singer Model# 147-SV 217 uses needle system UY 121 GS Equivalent to 62x21, DVX1, MY 1001, CANU 36:05

Singer Model# 147-SV 218 to 221 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

Singer Model# 147-SV 227 uses needle system 149X5 Equivalent to 62X45, TVX5, CANU 44:31

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